The Defiprime Post #25: Your Weekly DeFi News in Bite-Sized Fashion

William M. Peaster on 18 Jan 2021

Welcome to the 25th issue of The Defiprime Post, a quick weekly primer covering the biggest developments around Ethereum and DeFi. This week’s issue covers events between Jan. 10th and Jan. 17th, 2021.

Want to mine some yield farming knowledge? We’re leaking alpha. Check out defiprime’s new Alpha DeFi community forum, where we regularly launch great new yield farming guides! Also, check out our Biggest DeFi Hacks in 2020 and DeFi Person of the Year 2020 awards.

🔥 The DeFi Bulletin

💱 DEX Report

  • The Sushiswap V2 system will have single-sided asset exposure functionalities and impermanent loss (IL) mitigation mechanisms.
  • The Bancor DEX released its v2.1 Protocol Health Report for Jan. 2021.
  • Kyber Network released its Ecosystem Report for Dec. 2020.
  • Monthly DEX volume this Jan. 2021 is on pace to break the Sept. 2020 record of +$15B.

💵 State of the Stablecoins

💎 NFT News

Thanks for reading, and be sure to catch the 26th issue of The Defiprime Post out this time next week! 👋♦️👋

DeFi is coming. Don't get left behind

About the author
William M. Peaster
William M. Peaster is a writer and curator of the DeFi Arts Intelligencer, a newsletter tracking Ethereum’s digital collectibles arena. He is not a financial advisor. The thoughts shared in this guest post are his opinions and reflect his personal experiences and personal optimism around Ethereum. He currently owns some cryptoart and ETH.

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