The Defiprime Post #194: Your Weekly DeFi News in Bite-Sized Fashion

Vitaly Vakhteev on 13 May 2024

Welcome to the 194th issue of The Defiprime Post, a quick weekly primer covering the biggest developments around Ethereum and DeFi. This week’s issue covers events between May 5th and May 12th, 2024.

🔥 The DeFi Bulletin

💱 DEX Report

Thanks for reading, and be sure to catch the 195th issue of The Defiprime Post out this time next week! 👋♦️👋

DeFi is coming. Don't get left behind

About the author
Vitaly Vakhteev
Vitaly Vakhteev is an LA-based programmer, author, and crypto enthusiast with an interest in DeFi and technology in general. In addition to Defiprime, he works as a programmer at DexGuru. He also holds modest amounts of a variety of cryptocurrencies.

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