The Defiprime Post #81: Your Weekly DeFi News in Bite-Sized Fashion

Vitaly Vakhteev on 20 Feb 2022

Welcome to the 81st issue of The Defiprime Post, a quick weekly primer covering the biggest developments around Ethereum and DeFi. This week’s issue covers events between February 13th and February 20th, 2022.

🔥 The DeFi Bulletin

💱 DEX Report

💎 NFT News

  • Sushimi by Sushi, which aims to be an NFT profile picture project within the Sushi ecosystem.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to catch the 82nd issue of The Defiprime Post out this time next week! 👋♦️👋

DeFi is coming. Don't get left behind

About the author
Vitaly Vakhteev
Vitaly Vakhteev is an LA-based programmer, author, and crypto enthusiast with an interest in DeFi and technology in general. In addition to Defiprime, he works as a programmer at DexGuru. He also holds modest amounts of a variety of cryptocurrencies.

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